شامبو بتركيبة تي جل من نيوتروجينا – بقوة اضافية لعلاج قشرة الشعر والتهاب الجلد المُثي – سعة 177 مل (عبوة من قطعة واحدة)

اشتري اونلاين بأفضل الاسعارشامبو بتركيبة تي جل من نيوتروجينا – بقوة اضافية لعلاج قشرة الشعر والتهاب الجلد المُثي – سعة 177 مل (عبوة من قطعة واحدة)✓ شحن سريع و مجاني✓ ارجاع مجاني✓ الدفع عند

رمز المنتج: B00NDIE4UI التصنيف:

حول هذه السلعة

  • العلامة التجارية للشامبو العلاجي رقم 1 والتي ينصح بها أطباء الجلدية.
  • يحتوي على ضعف كمية المكونات الطبية مثل تركيبة تي / جل الأصلية.
  • يبدأ مفعوله بعد مرة واحدة فقط من استخدامه لمكافحة الاحمرار والحكة الشديدة وتقشر حالات فروة الرأس الشديدة مثل القشرة والصدفية والتهاب الجلد المُثي.
  • يظل تأثيره موجودًا لفترة طويلة عقب شطف الشامبو.
  • لطيف بما فيه الكفاية لاستعماله يومياً

العلامة التجارية نيوتريجينا
نموذج السلعة جل
نوع الشعر Dandruff
الفئة العمرية (الوصف) بالغ
حجم السائل 177 ملليلتر
عدد السلع 1
وزن السلعة 6 أونصة
أبعاد السلعة الطول×العرض×الارتفاع 18.5 x 6.1 x 3.3 سم
المكونات النشطة الفحم تار

تفاصيل المنتج

  • توقف من خلال المُصنِّع ‏ : ‎ لا
  • أبعاد المنتج ‏ : ‎ 18.49 x 6.1 x 3.3 سم; 170.1 غرامات
  • تاريخ توفر أول منتج ‏ : ‎ 2020 أغسطس 27
  • الشركة المصنعة ‏ : ‎ نيوتريجينا
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00NDIE4UI
  • رقم موديل السلعة ‏ : ‎ SG_B00NDIE4UI_US
  • مراجعات المستخدمين:
    4.6 من 5 نجوم 1108 تقييم

1% قطران الفحم تظهر النتائج بعد يوم واحد من الاستخدام يتحكم في الاحمرار رائحة جديدة. يعالج القشرة والتهاب الجلد الدهني وصدفية فروة الرأس

أفضل مراجعة من المملكة السعودية العربية

Maram Alghamdi5.0: حلو
من اول استعمال حسيت بالفرق والله

Heba Smaik2.0:
The smell is so bad! Couldn’t use it more than once

セイビア シオセ5.0:
The smell is strong and not the usual shampoo (flowery) smell but more like medicine smell. It works pretty well the first night i used it removed all of the flakes on my hair.Usually during the day my scalp has this white formation that when i scratch my scalp i have the dirt under my nails. But now its goneContinuous use will definitely have effect but not sure for worse case people.

have struggled with intensely itchy scalp and scalp sores for about 5 years now also thinning of hair all over scalp. Tried countless special shampoos including prescription from dermatologist. Nothing helped much. I discovered a few years ago that coal tar shampoo eased scalp itch and pain but also left a dull medium gray film on my white hair. Assiduous shampooing with cleansing shampoos removed it thankfully. Since the coal tar was more soothing and healing than anything else I tried I started using it again but with a difference— I add a bit of Aveeno Apple Cider Vinegar Blend shampoo. It works! The itching is relieved the sores are going away and there is NO gray film on my hair color. Maybe my experience will help someone else.

Daniel Lufkin5.0:
This specific product was recommended by my doctor after a hospital EEG (electro-encephalograph) left me for more than a month with a spectacular case of dandruff probably from sensitivity to the conductive gel used with the 20+ electrodes on my scalp. The flakes were as big as snowflakes and my scalp itched continually. Two treatments a day apart with this extra-strength TGel followed by using the regular-strength TGel every two days (as my doc recommends) cured me in 10 days. My scalp is essentially normal and my hair doesn’t seem dried out even without using any conditioner.There may be an extra benefit: my cat is fascinated by the aroma of TGel. After I shampoo he presses his face into my palms and purrs like mad. He doesn’t lick my hand so I figure that he’s not likely to be exposed to anything injurious. I don’t think I’ll try to give the cat a shampoo though. That would be dumb on so many levels.

I’m not using this purchased for my partner after recommendation from a friend. He has some pretty bad (moderate-severe) psoriasis and was getting these huge plaques on his scalp forehead and under his beard that were itchy and majorly flaky (and as a metal-head the dude wears a lot of black…I also wear a lot of black and would look like I was out in a snowstorm after a hug). In about two weeks he was down to a “normal” amount of dandruff with the occasional couple flakes after a good scratch but no more of the huge (couple mm) flakes that would get stuck in his hair and cover his clothes. Our bedroom and sheets are decidedly less dusty too which is really nice. He uses it every other wash now (1-2x a week) and is really happy with the results (dude’s almost 30 hasn’t been flake-free since before puberty). We will continue to purchase this stuff as we’re fairly certain that it’s some form of tar-based witchcraft.The only downsides: the smell is just atrocious but it fades after about an hour and it’s a little drying but that’s what conditioner is for. Definitely worth it for the results.




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